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Memoirs of the White Lady

Hal Kendall has been hard at work from March to September 2002 just under 1000 hours rebuilding the White Ladies from
No.1 thru the last, No. 91.

I ordered my CD straight away and in 3-4 days I'd received it even though I'm on the other side of the pond. In a word brilliant!

Very easy to use with a search facility for all of the issues, plus each issue once inside has a menu of articles. Good colour and resolution images make this a must for the Jensen connoisseur.

Now what you get and how to order in Hal's own words:-

This is the complete and unabridged history of Jensens by
Jensen owners and Jensen experts from the period from 1977 to March 2000.

All text was rescanned and OCRd so no type is less than 12 points. Consider
that some articles had type as small as 9. I rebuilt it so my tired eyes
could read easily. I was not confined to get it all into a 20 page issue.
Pictures were also enlarged and made more legible. Most WLs therefore
contain from 50 to 75 percent more pages than the originals. In all, about
3500 to 4000 pages. A few issues did run over 100 pages. Almost none less
than 40. About 400 megs.

In addition, I have included buttons so you can go from one WL to the next
or back down without having to go to the index each time.

Also, I have linked in a copy of the spreadsheet index. But the WL page
numbers may be off because the index had the original page numbers, not the
expanded versions. But the article will be in that issue and each issue has
a good set of bookmarks.

The Table of Contents for each WL is in the index pdf. Use the search to
locate items.

These issues include a few articles prepped but not published.

Also, a link is made to the front cover of all WLs.

I was doing pretty good until I got to WL 90 and WL 91 where I was very
saddened because of the end of the AJO. You will not want to miss this. It
was hard to continue.

The AJO owes so much to so few members who really made tremendous

For this I ask
$40, plus S&H, $5 US, $10 Canada, $15 the world, less discount of $10 to any
Executive Officer of any National/International Jensen Club, or $5 discount
to any Officer.
Personal checks accepted in the US only - otherwise PAYPAL is OK.

UK, Europe, NZ, and Aussie
OK with PAYPAL or US currency.

Hal Kendall, PT1-75/2210
711 Plainwood Drive, Houston TX 77079